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So hey! I recently monetized my YouTube channel after receiving a resounding "DO IT" and I made a resolution to try and pay more attention to it. This is a part of that. In that vein, I've been testing out some cool music visual ideas with my buddy Charles and providing feedback, and I wanted to show it to everyone. These visuals are generated in realtime using a DFT rather than an FFT, which means instead of a "regular" frequency analysis, it specifically maps frequencies of notes. Then it figures out the strength/intensity/loudness of those notes, picks a few of the top ones, and does an animation based on that. The music is Lost Signal from Shuttle Scuttle, one of my better tracks from the game (well, in my opinion). Please share this around to anyone that likes shiny flashy things! Also before I forget, this month's rewards are coming soon. Thanks for your patience =]


Inverse Phase - Lost Signal (ColorChord visuals)

This is my track "Lost Signal" from the Shuttle Scuttle OST, played back with a preliminary version of ColorChord by Charles Lohr. The video quality is iffy because I captured it from Twitch, but I wanted to give an idea of stuff in the works.


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