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Man, that month went by entirely too fast for me. I still had lots to keep me busy with Volume 1 stuff, but its currently being typeset, and all that lovely stuff, once again inching towards release. We're still in discussion, but its looking like the middle of April, if everything keeps trucking the way it is. I'll come back with more info and a solid date for the release date for Vol 1 for everybody when everything is finalized.

I did get some rest though. Elden Ring was a good game, and I painted a vast amount of warhammer models. It was a good time, and my painting is improving!

All in all, it was a pretty good break... if it felt more like it only lasted a week, rather than a month for me.

I'm also planning a live event for Patreons, so more on that in a separate post.

Now, onto Beware of Chicken stuff.

First off, the schedule going forwards. It will Still be Monday Wednesday, Friday for posting days. That said, I'm likely going to take of a week a month, looking to be the second week of the month. This is because with the ball now fully rolling, and a publisher for Volume one... things are accelerating for me as well. Vol 2 and 3 need to now be edited, refined, and worked on in preparation for their physical launch as well. And thats going to be a task greater than prepping Volume 1 for launch, because Vol 2 needs a lot more work than Vol 1 in my opinion.

This break will not happen this month, and instead will begin in May

Today also is not the Start of the next Volume. Due to the timing of the day, posting the first chapter, then going into the weekend felt awkward, so today we're doing a canon interlude, expanding on an event at the end of the last book, before jumping into the next volume.  That will release later today. (also starting the book is going a bit rough. I know what to do when it starts, and the events I want to hit, but the actual first chapter is proving a bit elusive.)

That said, My month has been taken off, and I'm back in the saddle. Thank you, everybody, for your continued support. I'll do my best to make sure this volume is enjoyable!


James Squibb

Welcome back! We all missed you!


Thank you for your work ^^

Demian Buckle

Glad you had a good break. Looking forward to the release of the books, I have a space on my shelf prepared for them.


I’m glad to hear it!


Can we get a timeframe? Doesn't have to be set in stone but I'd appreciate having a rough time to check before giving up and just going to bed.




Congrats on diminishing the pile of shame. What army do you play?


welcome back

Lord Felidae

No. Start this month.