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For one of his finest and funniest Warner cartoons, Cross-Country Detours, Tex Avery had live-action reference shot for a few scenes, most famously of a stripper for the scene of the lizard that sheds its skin. I have the negative for that footage that the late Dave Butler (Bosko Video) made and am including some of it here, looped with the soundtrack from the cartoon (and The Wise-Quacking Duck, in which Art Babbitt claimed he did not use reference for his animation of Daffy Duck's striptease). Avery himself shows up briefly here. Also, you see the girl's ass, as the preview image shows, so as the kids say, NSFW.


Tex Avery Stripper CR.mp4



Gotta love those unfinished walls! More like "Trim-Mite Terrace", amIright?


How in the hell did you acquire the negative? I'm stunned that exists!


It was in the collection of Dave Butler (Bosko Video). I believe he made a dupe neg to make copies for people which is what I have. [editing the original post for clarification]