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If it wasn’t obvious from how quiet it is around here, Bob and I are extremely busy these days. We wanted to take this time to ask patrons if they would be comfortable if Cartoon Logic switched to a monthly basis.

Hear us out: these podcasts take a LOT of work, but we’re not really seeing the public engagement we’d like on these shows. Plus, if the Patreon count was higher, we’d feel more obligated to treat this as a full-time gig. (It didn’t help we got zero feedback for putting the first Spinach Skrewtny up for free.)

This is NOT a knock at any of you fine folk: we LOVE you, and are amazed anyone WANTS to give us money to do this. YOU guys are why we’ve been doing it this whole year regularly. Well, that, and because Bob and I love each other's company.

So in the future, the regular Cartoon Logic podcast would be on a monthly basis, and we’d still be doing the Popeye patron’s exclusive on a monthly basis as well. And when Spinach Skrewtny runs out (we plan on going through the Fleischer cartoons, the Famous B/W cartoons, and the first Blu-Ray worth of color Famous), we have another show lined up in the same format… Without giving away the subject, which is just as rich, the show’s tentative title is Duck Season. Oh, that gave it away, dang.

Anyway, we look forward to hear what you think. Next two regular episodes are: Famous Studios Cringe and Van Beuren (The Magic Mummy). Ciao!




I admit, I'll be a little bummed. I gobble up each regular episode and SS pretty much as soon as they come out. This show is MY JAM and there's nothing else out there like it. With that said, I understand and you guys should do what you need to do! What if every other podcast was something that didn't require so much research? Just you and Bob talking off the cuff about animated stuff that's on your mind? You'd both be interesting interview subjects, particularly for each other.


Hmm, I kinda like that idea. "What did we just watch" with riffing and back-and-forth. I'll run that by Bob. What if THAT was Patreon exclusive, so y'all would still be getting two regular shows a month?


However you want to go about it, I'll still be hear...here. :D


I’d be totally fine with regular monthly shows. Gives me more time to catch up! While putting up the first SS for free was generous, I think its best to keep those episodes exclusive. Cheers guys!


That's fine with me, you gotta do what you gotta do.... I'm just glad to hear that you guys have work coming in right now, either way keep up the great work!


Monthly podcasts are fine by me as well. You're doing great work and Bob's animation IDs are light years ahead of mine, unless Jim Tyer or Rod Scribner is the animator who contributed the off-model scene. Hope you can do a show with Keith Scott on voice artists. Anything other than Famous STudios post-Tyer and Columbia Lil


The only animation from 1915 to 1965 I cringe at, including B-studios Van Beuren, Terrytoons and Screen Gems, would be the post-Tyer Famous Studios cartoons and those horrible Columbia Lil' Abners.


Don't sweat it! You gotta do what you gotta do...


I try not to be angry and demanding. But the fact I haven’t been commenting isn’t a sign of apathy: I have been eagerly listening to everything you’ve posted. The patron-only material is not essential, since I can’t (AFAIK) listen to it in my podcast player.


Hey, Harry, you should be able to add the private RSS feed to your favorite podcast app, so you can listen to the Patreon content that way.


No problem, I don’t mind a monthly basis


I’d like to hear a discussion on how the experts ID an animator’s scenes in a film (and how reliable drafts are or aren’t).


Obviously more of a thing I like is better, but I completely understand the fact that their isn’t as much engagement as you need to do this more. Do what you have to do and hopefully more people will come along and it will be worth an increased time investment when they do.


As sad as I’d be to see one show a month, I’d be fine with it. We gotta do what we gotta do.


Re: Famous Studios Cringe… One of the things that make me cringe about the 1950s Popeyes is that they go overboard with rhymes in the dialogue. I’ve often wondered why they did that.


Looking forward to the Van Beuren episode! I actually joined your Patreon to request one on Van Beuren, but I'm sticking around! Van Beuren gets swept under the rug a lot, but they fascinate me to no end. I probably own more cartoons by Van Beuren on 16mm film than by any other studio, and I'm proud to have loaned three prints from my own personal collection to Steve Stanchfield to help preserve them! Despite their output being looked down upon by a lot of animation scholars, I think it's remarkable that such a short lived studio is still remembered at all today (though their entire library being in the public domain for decades has probably helped with that). Cheers and thanks for making this podcast!


I really enjoy the episodes about Famous Studios, it's interesting to learn what the work environment was like there and it's a shame that most of their filmography is so underwhelming. BTW Thad, I used to be a member on the Termite Terrace Trading Post when my family got its first household computer back in 2007 or so ( I was 11 years old) and I vividly remember the frequent Old McDonald posts lol glad to see that it's now become the stuff of legend... I'd be really interested to hear you guys do an episode of the post-Famous years of the Paramount Animation Studio and how the employees faced the dying theatrical short format during the 1960s... Really fascinating podcast, I learn a lot of fascinating info every time!

Paul Christoforos

Hey there, Thad & Bob, I don’t believe we met, my name is Polyvios. And I’m doing way too finest! How about you two?? Say, I really liked your first-ever Spinach Skrewtiny Podcast, cause it really gets me in touch with The Classic Golden Age of Max Fleischer’s Popeye. I know it’s a lot of work doing all the podcasts on a bi-weekly basis, we all know just how you all feel. So, keep busting out some kick-butt podcasts, and do what ya gotta do!!! We want more, MORE, MORE!!!! We want more longer episodes, as a result they’re real greater brain food for any animation, cartooning, and art student and/or professional. Thanks and Sincerely, Polyvios Christoforos polyspictures1991@gmail.com


Monthly is still great. I have way too many podcasts I listen to as it is, so I'd welcome it.


Monthly works for me. I don’t have a lot to say about the podcasts, partially because work and family keep me busy and partially because I’m not nearly as knowledgeable about all this stuff as the rest of you are, but I will say that I’ve learned a lot from them and enjoy the podcasts very much.


please do a Lantz Oswald episode. You guys got me to watch the HERMAN AND KATNIP series. I'm surprised that you didn't mention the super cringey "domestic" Modern Madcaps like Harry Happy or the Plot Sickens. Those have such an oppressive dread to them.


also, thanks so much for the show. I had some really difficult things happen recently, and often times, the show would be my only escape. It means a lot to me


Always happy to hear about classic cartoons no matter the frequency. My suggestion for an episode: Sunset Productions and Associated Artists Productions history, both for WB and Popeye.