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Bob was just here and we recorded another batch. We were surprised how good (sic) the remote episode on Mike Lah turned out, so we'll be trying more remote episodes in the future. As it stands, here is the upcoming Cartoon Logic free feed (more on that later) schedule:

3/15 - Tex Avery Screwball Classics (Wags to Riches)
3/29 - Betty Boop
(Betty Boop's Penthouse)
4/13 - Donald Duck (Timber) [We lost the original recording to this one, so this is a re-record]
4/27 - Bob McKimson
(Early to Bet)

We know we've been lax on the special features as of late, and we truly appreciate your continued support. Keeping that in mind, what do you patrons think of Patron's Exclusive episodes? We'd really love to do our Popeye cartoon examination season by season and think that a monthly bonus would be a great feature for Patreon. Let us know in the comments...




I was in the same boat all those years ago. The amount of insight that was brought to the table through the blogs I followed (I was there in the Blogger days) was incredible. I learned so much about how to ID animators and such from that time. I made many dumb, detrimental mistakes that I own up to 100% no excuses and want to say that I got out of all those cults and more and ending up in that path on YouTube with many scumbags there with toxic, racist and bigoted beliefs about others who aren't like them, especially that cult with you know who and his lackeys at the helm who have been exposed thankfully and have gotten their just desserts on top of my ehhhh social skills too. Over the years, I've done my to become a better person, get a degree from a good business school and try to make something out best of myself and move forward and learn from all my past mistakes, even buying Sick Little Monkeys twice because that book was one of the most well written and thought out works I've ever seen. That's why I felt obligated to pay it forward by subbing to Cartoon Logic and also apologizing for any wrongdoing I caused at 18-19.


Yup so many amazing goodies thus far. I wrote a comment to Chase explaining my situation and with a huge apology too for what I did and the shame I have about it, but this has been some incredible stuff. I enjoyed Bob Jaques's commentaries too. It's insane to me that Warners were a bunch of cheapskates for not wanting him on the first two volumes, yet they'll happily give a platform to any bloviating moron who doesn't know what they're talking about or subject us to inane giggling and comments that don't do anything to let us know about why these cartoons were so great in the first place. That's what separates this podcast from all the crap elsewhere, including by other people who STEAL your content to try to make a quick buck out of it. Absolutely shameful IMO. Happy to be a Patron and reconnecting and hopefully moving forward.