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First, we just wanted to thank all of you for backing us on Patreon. Bob was frankly flabbergasted anyone backed us so soon, and he's really pleased with the reception we've been getting on social media (which he wisely spends little time on). We've gotten into our groove and are getting more comfortable with recording these discussions and anticipate things will just get better and better.

Below is our tentative schedule, which have mostly already been recorded...

9/15 — Bob Clampett (Baby Bottleneck)

9/29 — Tom & Jerry (Tee for Two)

10/13 — Popeye the 1940s Vol. 3 (A Balmy Swami) - This one may possibly change. We never anticipated this collection would come out less than three months after Vol. 2 (!!!), and we can't of course record this in advance of seeing the new Blu-Ray. We do plan on getting it recorded right after we have the disc in hand, but should there be a conflict, we will replace this with another episode we've already recorded.

10/27 — Halloween Edition: Fleischer Talkartoons (Swing You Sinners!)

Also, we're not going to do the polling until there's more patrons (because what sense would that make with a handful of people). But we definitely are open to suggestions from you all, so please feel free to write in the comments about what you'd like to hear us gab about: specific cartoons, studios, animators, characters... Just name it! The best part is that with this subject matter, the topics of discussion are literally endless.

Thanks again, and hope to hear from youse...



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