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Hello everyone, sorry for the sudden downtime. My patreon got suspended for about a week due to account issues. I didn't get an exact answer to the details on why, but looking at the post-first month processing results, I can see why.

When I resumed my patreon after years of hiatus, I didn't flush out all my old donators. There's no real "kick patron" option on patreon, the only way as far as I know is to block the user, which I didn't want to do and felt inappropriate, so I messaged them all privately about it instead.

After the end-of-month processing, a lot of the old patrons were deemed to be "fraud" probably since they were dead accounts now, and this is what I assume got me flagged.

Anyway that seems to have been sorted out now, and I just now flushed out all the old dead accounts so hopefully this doesn't happen again.

By the way the poll ended during the suspension period so I will hold it again shortly. Sorry for all the trouble hohoho.


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