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Hello everyone! First month of my patreon relaunch has passed by and I wanted to share some thoughts.

The biggest problem I wanted to avoid this time was the over-promising of deliverables. It was what killed my first launch on patreon; I promised way more than what I could feasibly produce in a scheduled period of time. I’m definitely trying build myself into a steady momentum this time around.

-----More or Less Pic Versions?

Picture versions is... an odd thing. With week 2, I definitely made more versions of the 2 pictures than week 1. However, a multi-version friendly picture comes with a problem of being quite static. A scene that captures a moment in high motion and movement does not lend itself well to the multi-version setup.

I have seen people who correlate monetary value purely to the number of picture versions an art-pack contains. Personally, I find it quite pointless to make different versions of a picture unless there is significant change between each variant. Sure, I could stretch 1 picture into 30 and be able to technically say that you’re getting a lot of content, but that’s taking a thesaurus to your middle school essay to pad the word count. I think we can all see through that.

From the start of the relaunch, I have stated that not all of the pictures will have version variants. This is why I made that statement. So far my drawings have been version-friendly, but I definitely will make single-version pictures if the scene is better for it.

-----Is This a Store?

A lot of people definitely do treat patreon as a store. I think it's a fair viewpoint if you prefer it that way, it is a monetary service, after all.

Personally, I view it more as a recurring glorified tip jar, a way for people to go "Hey, I like what you make, here's some money to help you keep doing it," and you get something nice out of it in exchange. If you've ever subscribed to a streamer on TwitchTV, it's the same idea, except you get more than chat emotes.

If you don't like the patreon system and would prefer a store system, I will be selling the update packages separately at a later date.

-----Past Week Rewards for Future Patrons

As mentioned above, I will be selling the past reward packs separately for those who have missed it, probably via gumroad online service. It’s not ready yet, but for those of you who joined, or might be joining, at a later date, the backlog will be available in time.

-----Moving Forward

With first month complete, I’ll be pushing for higher quality on the deliverables. Is there a character from a series you’d like to see? Send me your suggestions and ideas and maybe I can add them to a future poll or make a poll theme around it.

All suggestions are welcome here on patreon or on my twitter, and thank you all for your support, it helps me do what I do.


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