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Obviously my writing brain needs a kickstart so it's time for you to give me a writing prompt and see if something comes out of it. I've apparently been on a horror kick but also a mystery kick, but TBH I don't really know what I feel like doing right now. Either way, I'm hoping for something that I can cover in ~5k words. The settings I'm leaning toward right now are DOGMEN, HAYVEN CELESTIA, ANI-DROIDS, IN THE NEW AGE.

0. Post your writing prompt below.

1. Must be set in one of my already-established universes, or at least be connected to something I've made with my own original characters (do not ask for anything with anyone else's OCs unless they're already part of my universes' established lore).

2. It doesn't have to specifically feature characters I've already made, these can be new characters that fit the setting or characters I've drawn or mentioned but haven't developed. I'm not crazy about crossovers but if you can make it interesting go for it.

3. Please do not ask for anything involving West or Kar (Karishad is fine in Housepets prompts)

4. Prompts can be potentially in-canon OR out-of-canon, doesn't matter!

5. Ideally, I would like the writing prompt to describe a scenario or starting point for a story. Don't just mash up two characters for me, that's not a prompt. I need the prompt to at least suggest a problem, not just which characters you want to see bumping uglies.

6. I'd like something you'd actually like to see, not a generic writing prompt you pulled off the internet or from a generator.

7. Please do not just ask for something that is a "slice of life"; most of what people consider slice-of-life is actually a microplot. Some plot still happens, inconsequential as it may be! So give me that plot.



Sit com: Geroo gal in need of money rents out her pouch to a mysa as an apartment. Hijinx ensue.


An Ani-droids setting where Dimes, Glass, and Million are tasked to investigate suspicious activity in one of the more technologically advanced states within the country - Something that is working either within or outside the Collective. Traveling under the guise of a business trip on behalf of Koenig Industries, they soon find themselves embroiled in a deeper conspiracy that threatens all sentient anidroids and possibly the very structure of the Collective itself. Facing against a new class of faster and deadlier anidroids, and a mysterious entity that seeks to spread it's influence, the pair begin to wonder if they've discovered something that might already be too late to stop.


Remember that one episode where the geroo's trying to go on a date and the mysa's bringing their date home to the pouch at the same time and it gets awkward


Kewl! Ok, here it is: MYSTERY - HAYVEN CELESTIA: Aboard a gen-ship, a Geroo lowdeck is charged with murder of a higher-class Geroo. Every single proof leads to the fact that he is guilty, counting only genetic traces and video recording. But everything else says that it wasn't him...

Michael K Elliott

Adrian and Hildegard are watching an broadcast of Pit Fighters together. Adrian is pointing out the combative moves and Hildegard is commenting on the "gayness" of the competitors. Hilde wonders why there are no females fighting. Adrian mentions the league has just always been all male. Just then, an announcement of local pit-fighter expedition locations ends the broadcast. One of the location is the gym THEY teach at. Is there a possibility for a Pit-Fighters Lesbian League?