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The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p23

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p24

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p25

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p26

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p27

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p28

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p29

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p30

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p31

The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p32


April sketches

Chain Unbroken cover (April Print of the Month)


Chain Unbroken is currently undergoing editing! Also been poking at the Pit Fighters novel but I went back and forth on some points so often I had to take a break for my sanity. Considering doing some lighter stuff for fun before tackling it again.

I'm almost done posting part one of The Witch of Kurikuto and I know others want me to resume A&H Club, I have not actually made progress on the next script. I'm also still trying to decide what I want to do re: Campus Avenue, since most of my colorists have moved on with other life stuff, so... I guess I'm not ready to return yet.


The previous reader for Ani-droids was not up to the task (as I'm sure you could tell by the delays) so I'm currently vetting new readers for the book.

Thanks again for your continued support!


