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Hey guys! Just to let you know, due to a personal issue in the last few days I have not been able to record anything or edit for Youtube. This will probably last a couple more days and then I have my jury service (fun) so I apologise for not having a Marvel reaction out on a friday for the first time. As soon as I am able I will catch up on all the films/shows and I do have some things I watched in advance to release (HTTYD 2 and Attack on Titan). 

Appreciate your patience as you guys know I hate to not upload! Have a great weekend



No problem have a good weekend Seb!

James Allen

Life happens. No worries, just hope you're doing okay 😊

alex day

worry not! taking care of your important things is always number 1. hope all is well

Angie H.

stay safe! physically and mentally of course 💞


no worries seb, take care of yourself! hope everything’s all good and we’ll still be here when the uploads come :))


No worries Seb! Take care!


Take care of yourself! :)


Please don't worry at all, and always remember to take care of yourself first. 🙂


Tend to everything you need to first and foremost, we're patient folk. Good luck with jury duty!

Steven Jump

Hopefully it's nothing too serious. Do what you feel ya need to do. We'll all be here when you return!


thanks for the update its appreciated, be well, be safe.


all good :)


We know if you ain't uploading it's because you need that time elsewhere. Take the time you need. We will be here patiently waiting for what will probably be the content bomb you throw at us when you return properly 😂


No worries at all mate, hope everything's okay! ✌


It perfectly fine. Do what you gotta do, take care!!


No worries. I hope whatever happened gets sorted quickly. Taking care of yourself is always more important than producing content.


Take your time!! Do you what you have to do, we’ll be here when you get back (:


Thanks for the update! Hope everything works out okay. Sorry about the jury service, I know it's a bummer lol Take care man!

David Peters

no problem! take all the time you need <3

Jeff Cabrera

Physical and emotional wellness comes first. Your cluster will still be here 😁


Life happens man. Take as much time as u need


I like that edit 👍 (if you didn't edit anything, I imagined it 😂)


We like authentic seb, not pushing content for the sake of it seb. take all the time you need, get better.


Take care, hope everything is ok!

Inhuman Paradox

"jury service" Oof. Sorry man.


Hope all is well ❤️


My few dollars a month should guarantee that you are chained to your desk churning out videos for my entertainment. Stop making excuses. Screw the real world. What's the worst they can do if you don't do jury duty. Man up, yo :P J/K Take care of yourself. If you want to get out of jury service, tell them the guy is guilty before they tell you what he did :)


Take your time king


Stay safe and take care of yourself! I haven’t been feeling well all week…maybe it’s a cluster thing? 😉


no worries, I hope everything's okay! We'll all be here when everything settles :)


sending good vibes to you Seb xoxo <3


Jury duty is never fun but take some rest you’ve been workin hard :)


I hope everything is ok! No worries, send great vibes your way