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Last blog post dealing with general development progress, before I do a proper release date reveal.

I'd love to promise a specific time and place right now, believe me.
But barring act of god, it will be out in a couple of weeks.
I've got some work still to finish up, and I don't want to rush it any more than I am now,
then I'd like to sit on it for a few days of just brutal testing with enough time to fix anything big that comes up.

I've already been testing it pretty extensively and I haven't had many issues other than very small visual bugs, but I don't want to get too cocky, because I'm sure somebody will find a way to break it anyway :D

It'll be out on the next Saturday night after it's ready.

In the meantime, let me know what you think of the box art!
I'm really happy with it, considering my limited artistic ability.
I looked into commissioning somebody to make something "proper", but it's such an expensive minefield that I wussed out and figured it'd be a good exercise for me to just do it myself.

I ordered a little print of it for my wall, so it can sit alongside the copies of real console games I worked on in the past :D

Anyway, I'm out, got a little more work to do before bed time.

xxxx !




The box art looks really good! I like how it's also close to the style of the actual game.

Alliterative Acolyte

Box art is super comfy. I want to inhabit this world where gladiators clash to the music of an alien guitar-witch (?).


Strong 'Another World' vibe. Wish I had this on my Amiga. "limited artistic ability"


Cool art man. Really impressed by far your art skills have come. When did the title change from StarKnave to Stellinavra?


Thanks guys. Starknave as a name kinda grated on me after a little while, so I wanted to change it up, especially to differentiate it from the demo since its a pretty different animal since then. I think I formally changed it in February, but internally everything is using yet another title I may use in future. Apparently I like to head off any chance at brand recognition!


Wow Oko, it looks incredible! You’ve come a long way, and I’m beyond excited to try out what you created!