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I think it's done! I've played through, I've tested, and it's all going well.

I'd still like to spend a couple more weeks testing to make it as good and as strong as it can possible be, because in the past I haven't given myself nearly enough time to do that and release always suffers as a result.

I figure I've been pouring my heart into this for nearly 2 years, and it'd be dumb to embarrass myself now with problems I could have prevented if I just took 2 weeks to check it over from all angles. I hope that's cool.

In the ideal situation, I'll be able to get everything uploaded and my release posts written ahead of time and scheduled, so I can take a couple of days off and then enjoy launch night.

Oh, one more thing: Wine doesn't play very nicely with RPGMV after all, so there will be a dedicated Linux build at launch.
I've tested it through and it's working well; old laptop with a 360 controller, very comfy.

Anyway, here it is:

Public release will be on: August 15th, 2020

As a special thank you:
Patrons get it the night before!
Patrons get it 1 week early on:  August 8th, 2020 !

Thanks so much for your support,
I should be back between now and then with a present for you.

Oko x



Stay based my lad, actual quality about to arrive into WEG


Good job! Can't wait to congratulate you!


Nice! I'm so glad to play more of your games. It seemed like you worked your butt off for this.