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Returning to the artwork status: I have set a budget for Inknox to work with instead of accepting his offer of booking blocks of his time to devote to Zenofae Gene artwork.  To this I would like to add a new goal that I've set and when it is reached we will be able to ask Inknox to devote at least one week out of every month to Zenofae Gene artwork... hopefully two weeks per month.

To help reach this goal I have opened up a new Command Tier.  The new tier is meant for collaboration on Zenofae Gene and by lesser extension CNT University.  This will include a private discord channel, as well as more access to myself (like private messages) and a weekly progress update by issuing game drafts for collaboration and discussion.

I'm making some exciting game progress regarding the G.F.S. Suc-Luk crash site and the new town of Bartholens!



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