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Thank you so much for your support! Currently, all videos including public videos are hosted at fayafantasy.com. There will be a slight delay in Patreon integration with the website. You'll have to wait for a while or try a few times until you have access. If the problem persists after 30 minutes, message me immediately.
Added: 2024-02
Thank you for your support. Currently, all videos including public videos are hosted at fayafantasy.com. There will be a slight delay in Patreon integration with the website. You'll have to wait for a while or try a few times until you have access. If the problem persists after 30 minutes, message me immediately. 
Added: 2024-01
Thank you for you support. Stay tunes for more updates.

P.s: I'm doing this for my own hobby and need some cash to keep the server running. Hope u don't mind the inactive page. I don't usually interact much. However, if you have any request or anything don't hesitate to pm. I'll try to reply ASAP. :P
Added: 2023-01