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Hello! As planned here are the votes for the v0.4.4 update!

Please do not vote immediately and take the time to read the voting options pages.

Also, you can see what the next options will be available for v0.4.5 depending on the results!




Oh, i recon the silent majority is not for vore. Well, sucks but a vote is a vote :/


Well, it's only one vote per user. Otherwise I'd vote for vore too. And I dare thinking quite a few others would too. However. Seeing the tendency, vore will be the next update after the animations so don't worry! In the end it doesn't matter much, what ends up included first. (Even though I have to admit that photo mode definitely wouldn't be my pick ever. I want gameplay. XD) Also, those who want modding to be included voted for the first option too. So... 1 is a kind of... slightly unfair, multi-purpose option that in the end is probably going to win anyway due to providing two "big" changes at once. xD I personally don't care about the vote, but more animations and usable bathroom for the already existing content sounds great to me by itself already! :p


Sadly it's only possible to vote one time. Otherwise I would have voted for blood and gore too