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Hello! Version 0.4.3 - Alpha of Macro Micro VR Service is now available for supporters.

Sorry for the delay, I had to fix some blocking bugs just before the release. This version still contains some bugs, but it is much more playable than v0.4.2. Also, I will publish a Hotfix to make final corrections once I have your feedback on v0.4.3


See the full release lod here:


Thank you all for your support! <3




The changelog on github shows there is a v0.4.3.1 but the link here only goes to v0.4.3? As other have said there are many bugs this time around, which is disappointing, but looking forward to seeing new features after stability.


on quest 2 and the controls are pretty borked, can only move left and right and none of the usual fixes have done anything. Been having some issues loading in. cant run it at all with steam vr open, lag is unreal.


Hello, The change logs are created before the release and I add content inside during the development so the last change log will every time the change log for the current development version ^^ And now I released the version v0.4.3.1 with more bugs fixed. Try it! ^^