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The amount of people who reached regarding the last post has been overwhelming in two ways:

  1. All of you who are finding yourself in an economically tough spot, but still writing “I could use help but I’m worried somebody else might need it more than me.”
  2. All of you who asked if you could send money to help others in this community. Thank you. For now, we don’t have the infrastructure to do that in a responsible way, but I bet there’s a food bank in your community that would be very happy for some extra help.

My small 6-foot-spaced-apart team and I are working on processing payments to as many of you as fast as we can!

I also got a lot of messages from people looking for work. So if you’re looking for work or you’re looking to hire, leave a comment on this post! I'm coming for your job, LinkedIn.

In other news

I’ve started fostering a dog!! Her name is Melba but I call her Melbot.

She’s super sweet, but… intense. 

She was in an accident and has had most of her upper jaw removed, so she’s not allowed to chew on hard things. She's been here for 24 hours and so far she’s tried to chew on:

My feet, my arms, my hands, my crotch, my face: AKA me. A Nintendo Switch, a remote control that she pulled off a shelf, an artichoke that she stole from the kitchen counter (?!), my couch, my couch pillows, dirty socks that she pulled out of the laundry basket, a chair, lamp chords, power plugs while they are plugged into the walls (?!) and a pair of sunglasses.

But still. It is very hard to be angry at this face.

If you’ve ever considered fostering a doggo: now is a great time. A bunch of shelters have had to close down, and don’t have enough volunteers to help take care of the animals. And I don't know if cuteness can cure COVID-19, but it's worth a shot.

Ok, that's enough PSA's for one day! Take care.  And thank you for being who you are. I would high five you all, but, well, you know...



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