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I'm 29! So I'm finally in my prime... number. Sorry.

My birthday was super chill. I haven't been feeling well (has this story gotten old yet?) so just trying to rest as much as I can. You know the saying "no rest for the wicked"? I'm pretty sure the reason they got wicked in the first place was because they didn't rest enough.

So I'm operating at a slower speed than normal, but there's still a lot of things happening. Here are some snapshots! 

I got a birthday watermelon! My friend Nathan grows them in his garden and they are so good, I'll be eating them until I pee melon seeds.

And Scott, being the absolute nicest person ever, made me a TRUCKLA CAKE! WITH CANDLES AS FOG LIGHTS! It was so pretty that I didn't dare to eat it. So it's been sitting in the shop for a couple of days and now I don't dare to eat it for other reasons.

Alexander Coggin took some photos of my workshop for It's Nice That! Here's the interview in case you want to read it.

I went to a Google event in Phoenix and got to spend some time with Dianna and Destin from Smarter Every Day. It takes about 20 seconds of small talk before I jump into serious YouTube therapy, covering smash hits like "holy shit a follower did this and I can't decide if it's cute or creepy" and "why do my stats make me feel like shit" and "I don't know what I'm doing with my life"

Once back in San Francisco, I cleaned out some hair from my Roomba. Is this a normal amount?? For one person? How do I have any hair left on my head? I pull out this much about once a month. I'm very impressed that my follicles manage to churn out this much hair.

For some fucking reason, I added "Printed Unique Photo" to one of the tiers on Kickstarter. Cut to Scott and I talking 575 instant photos of me working on the Every Day Calendar. It tends to start out with us being really serious, and then it slowly gets worse and worse.

I bet you've seen it absolutely everywhere, but a bunch of YouTubers are working on planting 20 million trees. I tried to take a photo for it, but my selfie game is pretty flaccid so I passed on myself. Here's a reminder to go plant some trees: https://teamtrees.org/

My selfie game might be weak, but my Nintendo Switch game is going s t r o n g! I got myself one for my birthday, and I have been obsessively playing Zelda Breath of the Wild. My inside voice isn't very stern so I usually don't trust myself with games, but I figured that if I'm going to lay around feeling like shit all the time I might as well play video games.

And last but not least! A company called Delta 4x4 has made Truckla these custom wheels! They are in the mail on the way to San Francisco, and I'm PUMPED! This is the wheels on their test vehicle and they are going to look sooooo good on Truckla.

I've been planning on filming a video of me driving around in Truckla, but it all got pushed back because of the fires. We had to evacuate her out of my friend's shop, the power's been off forever and it's a whole crazy story on its own. But now we're back on track and filming on Thursday! Holler if you're in San Francisco and happen to see me driving around town.



Olaf Doschke

I hope you're feeling better by now. If not; Rest assured, at next year's birthday you'll be as alive and kicking just as 5 six-year-olds or 6 five-year-olds or 10 three-year-olds or 15 two-year-olds. I think as you have Elons invite - we're all witnesses - you'll be working on finishing Truckla for the event, I assume. --- Since you posted that Truckla's invitation is canceled I'm as close to whining like an uncountable number of 5-year-olds not getting their sweets as I haven't been for a long time.


Hi Simone! Just became a patreon of yours, so here is a very belated happy birthday! Grattis i efterskott! Two more and you can celebrate your Mersenne prime birthday! ;-)