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Being a shopaholic gets a whole new meaning when you get a workshop. Not because I'm constantly wanting to buy new tools (I do), or doing tequila shots between working the table saw (I don't), but because all I want is to be there and fix stuff.

I've had these frames laying on the floor for a few weeks now, and we finally got to put them up! We used a level every time* but the longer I look at it, the more I'm convinced that nothing on this wall is straight. I need your sharp eyes to help me. Are these even even?

There are so many pieces on this wall that I love. A few of them are gifts some of you have sent in the mail. The honor of having somebody send art they made for you overcomes the shame of being a person who has portraits of themselves up on their walls. Most of us have portraits of ourselves on our Instagram walls anyway, so what's really the difference.

Upcoming projects
Lots of fun projects in the pipeline. But I unfortunately need to do the typical "it's really exciting but I can't talk about it!!!!" The best I can do is a cryptic list of the stuff we're working on: 

  • Will probably have a new video up beginning next week! Not a super exciting project (I'm making desks for the office) but it has its moments.
  • I'm going to launch my first real product end of September! LIKE A REAL ACTUAL THING. Not a shitty robot. We're prototyping hard. It's very exciting and very scary.
  • I'm in the planning stages of a huge car project. Watch out, Elon Musk. 
  • I'm going on a really big trip all of October and November. 
  • ... and a part of me is probably going to go on an even bigger trip next summer. 

Sorry for being cryptic. But it's all I got for now. And it's also it's a great way to kick off some conspiracy theories, so that's fun.

You're the best and I like and appreciate you very very much 

- Simone

* I might have only used the level a few times. I didn't want my eyes to feel like I was doubting them, especially after surgery and all. 


Putting pictures up and stuff, very exciting



Brian is going to space


Holy cock I said so much and it all got erased before I sent I think. Electron knife, proton scalpel, I forget? I hope they are using something like that for radiation. If not you need to find best imaging and compensator hospitals in the US. You are too great to deal with all this awful shit. Good mom backup!