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White Queen takes Red Queen.

Turns out both pictures are not 5 years old, but 7. Psd files date confused me)

So, second one. Again, good picture, simple but effective composition and colors, and I like that you can see that Emma is more mature then young adult Kitty. Kitty on original picture is almost perfect, and her face is basically one of best I drew, especially so far back. All fixes i did on her is mostly cosmetics and light.

Emma on the other hand got a jackpot of errors: bad anatomy, mediocre face, flat tits, bad hair and even her colors is bad - skin is too red and leather is too blue. So, nothing less then complete redraw for my favorite female X-men

BTW, I added both psd on 7$ folder, if you want to find traces of AI... I meant want to see how I edit both of those - go there. Psd for White Quenn pic is not that interesting, but for Royal Meeting have a bunch of little tricks inside.


Next I should have started Norendber, but I have one stupid Halloween idea I need to sketch asap, cause after Norendber Halloween will be long over. It shouldn't take much time, I promise




Gotta admit, I prefer the artstyle of the original pic more. Emma looks too glossy imo.


It's perfectly walid opinion, that's why i'm not replacing old pics, but posting ReDo as a new one