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"Hey Darling.. It’s me. I’m here to remind you of something very important. And that is you are loved.. Not only be me but there are others who love you and care for you. Sometimes they love a little differently, not always in the most warmest or welcoming ways but they do deeply care for you in their own way and want the best for you. I’m definitely one of these people who share this feeling of wanting you to be happy, you are really deserving of happiness and love. 

You may question yourself why? Why are you deserving of these things? And you shouldn’t question yourself..! Because you are a wonderful and unique person.. You may think I’m just being nice but I’m actually being honest here. There really is no one out there that is exactly just like you.. In everyway from how you are, the way you talk, the way you walk, even the way you smile. In everyway, your personality, how you act, even how you react. You can tell yourself you may be replaceable but you really are not. And I rather you not tell yourself that.. Because You are a very lovely person with a very good heart.. Even if sometimes you may or may not be a little perverted or naughty. 

Hey hey now~ You are human after all sweetie and no one is perfect, be more kind and understanding with yourself okay? And being patient with yourself is important too. You don’t have to be so harsh and strict, you are deserving of love and understanding. And the most of all.. Love for yourself okay? Take care of yourself and look after yourself, not always others.. I know you are most likely, the kind of person that always thinks of others before themselves. But I want you to think about yourself and take care of yourself, love yourself.. You are deserving of it sweetheart. And you will ALWAYS be deserving of it.

I love you and I will always say it till the ends of time, my time.. I love you lots and lots, just for who you are and for who you will become in the future too. I’m very proud of you and do not stop yourself from aiming for the moon.. Because even if you do miss, you’ll always land among the stars. ♥ And keep this mindset okay? You never know.. Until you try. So why not try? "


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