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Things have derailed so quickly. And quite horrendously. So… I’m going to put my goals on hold because I have no other option while I tackle a more prominent event in my life right now. 

Our PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance), our current means of income has stopped, and our jobs that we had waiting for us when it was supposed to end aren’t as viable as we thought. Plain and simple, we need money to get by. Between the two of us, we have about a thousand dollars. Bills, medication, dog food; those are my big three right now that are going to eat into that thousand very quickly. 

I’m glad I didn’t make that leap for school yet because I would be landing flat on my face right now. Am I panicking? Most definitely. Am I going to just sit on my butt? No, it’s time to dig deep and show what I’m made of. It’s anxiety and depression, but you’d be surprised by how far that can take you when your options are limited. It’s not as bad as it could be. 

I want to say our living situation is very fortunate, we, unlike most people in America in this global pandemic, don’t have to worry about losing our home, at the moment. We live with my parents, mostly to help around the house and with generally anything else they might need. We do have to worry about everything else in terms of finances for ourselves. 

Right now, I’m very worried. I’m stressed, so I’m going to be drawing to destress while I try and latch onto a job that can provide a somewhat survivable income. I didn’t want this. Nobody wants to be in this position. I feel like a jackass for leaving and then coming back so suddenly because my life is imploding, again. 

I was really gone this time, out the door. I was scared but I was taking the steps to get to what I wanted. Then this, I sat up all night with my wife because for a moment, I had no idea what we were going to do to fix this. For a second, I had no hope. I let us have a moment of escape, we played a game for a few hours and then we talked about what we could do. 

She’s high risk, I know the vaccines are rolling out but that’s still going to take time, so she’s looking for something remote which is ultimately what she wants in the end. Me? I can do warehouse work, retail, some managerial stuff, but no one is exactly hiring for that kind of work at the moment. So, I’m going to do something, I’ll draw for now. I don’t know, this isn’t how I wanted to come back. I wanted it to be on my terms. Good terms, you know? I have to do something, though. 

I hope you’ll continue to support me, but please, don’t feel obligated to stay a patron if it’s not what you want. I’m going to get started now. I'll be updating the other sites with what
I can post. See you all in the next post on Friday. Have a good day. Be safe out there. 



shame it had to be under these circumstances, but good to see you again, overall I think one thing that will help with you potentially growing your Patreon so it can supplement your income better is to focus more on doing finished pieces, when I dug through that huge dropbox set it kinda surprised me just how few finished pieces there were, you had what was probably thousands of WIP pics in there, but I'd be surprised if there was even 50 finished pieces among them all, maybe 100 at the most, which is odd considering that's 10 years worth of art there


That's absolutely right. This is awhile ago now, but that's actually something I touched down with when talking with my therapist along with a few other "ohhh, now I see" moments.. Since then, I've been working on trying to finish more projects both outside of my time as ShatteredMemoirs and as just a regular dude. I think taking a fresh mindset into this new decade will help me with tackling projects more reasonably. I'll be posting more frequently, both due to my current circumstance and having a real schedule I'm working off of now. Thank you for sticking by despite the lack of finished content up until this point. Posts will now be less frequent but more consistent and with finished pieces as the primary focus along with quality.


Damn, man. I'm so sorry this happened to you guys. But, at LEAST you don't have to worry about losing a home. I am personally glad you're back and I was very sad you were going to leave but I do hope that you can find a viable job and then pursue your dreams. I'm in community college to get my gens done and even I don't know what I want to do for my Bachelor's at all. It's rough too, figuring out WHAT I want to do. But at least you know but finding that job is going to be tough. Where I am, jobs like that are fairly open, I just haven't touched them since I can't work 8-12 hours every day. I LOVE all of your work, it's so amazing and it's come quite a ways. Again, I'm super STOKED that you're back! Hopefully, when you're more stable financially you can leave for sure and then pursue those dreams and then come back to us hopefully!


I'll admit, it has been a very stressful few days but it really could be worse. The more I'm drawing, the more I realized that I am happy that I am drawing again. I've still been filling out applications and whatnot but in a weird way, it is kind of nice to be back. You'll find your thing, man, I know it. I believe in you. :D