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My eureka moment was breaking down my scans and reshaping what I had using the editing tools in Sai2 rather than trying to draw over the images and making the corrections as I went which is a lot slower and wellllll, still made made a bunch of errors. 

This way, if, say I don't like the way the trap, lat, bicep, or thigh are looking, I can shift each individual component to the shape the way I want without having to redraw those areas. Like I'll make that exposed glute a little smaller before I draw over this. But this way, I salvage the concept of the original sketch and I'll be able to go straight to line work once I'm caught up with the others. 

My biggest bane has always been the pelvis, and core of the body. Making the shapes look nice, making it looks like it's actually connected. Lately as with the original sketch, I made thighs waaay too big and obliques too wide. This will change that.

I've gone through about half of the set and they're all looking a lot better, except Ib(Ib). That one I'll have to go back to later. Right now, my favorite touch ups are Fran Bow (Fran Bow) and Stephanie Tate (Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within).

I included the original scan so you can see the jump between them. 



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