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Hey, so I’ve been kinda… eh the past few days. I got some work done here and there but not as much as I’d like. I mostly spent my time freaking out about the then upcoming appointment. Doctor noticed that I was not doing well during the appointment( which was way longer and more in depth than I thought it was going to be) and then I had a panic attack during the appointment which really didn’t help. And I’ve been beating myself up about how I handled the past few days ever since. 

Basically what I was told by my doctor and my therapist was that I have depression, ADD, and anxiety, Annnd a few other things but I’m not going into that just yet. Anyway, I was expecting to have to down a cocktail of different pills but, no, I just have to try one and see how it does in my system. Then we’ll go from there. 

I seriously do appreciate the words of comfort. They helped even though I did shut down as a person for the past few days. It helped me a lot. I felt like I missed this window to reply and then it’s just a bad loop so I’m trying to break that. I’m very thankful. I’lll reply when I can get my headspace in working order. I’ll upload what I got done the past few days. I can’t just leave it on depressing news. I need to be better than what my damaged mentality believes I can be. As cheesy as that sounds..



hey, as someone who has gone through this very same thing myself, its always good to know you have people who worry about you and support ya in spirit, please do take care of yourself just know we will be here waiting when your willing to come back in full force, just make sure to do as the doctor and therapist says and maybe try not to sweat the small stuff and relax.