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Hey, I just wanted to be frank and open about this. Its not life or death but to me it is still pretty serious. I'll be having an appointment on the 17th in the morning. I was supposed to have it awhile back but I missed it.

As I'm sure it's been pretty obvious to you all for a long time now, I have trouble retaining focus and maintaining a steady work flow without getting distracted by other projects. It shows, I imagine. I get lost and frustrated because I have so many things I just haven't finished. Anyway, I didn't realize that it didn't just stop at my work here..

(This was like a month ago) I was talking with an old friend who has been a nurse for a few years now and she asked me a few questions because it was quarantine and we were all just trying to find things to talk about to catch up. Long story short, she says I’m just like her sister who has ADD(Attention Deficit Disorder). Apparently there’s more than two types of it. I thought it was just ADD and ADHD but I think she said there was at least six. She suggested I get it diagnosed. Not sure how they even do that.

I'm just going to say it now, I am not a hypochondriac. It took me about two years to come to terms with being a depressed pos, and to crawl out of that harmful mindset. Still depressed but I try to have a different outlook than what I used to.

Anyway, I had to sit on this possibility for like 3 days before I said screw it and set up an appointment(that was an ordeal in of itself).

It kind of makes sense, I mean my original therapist had suggested it as a possibility that I might have it and offered for it to be checked out by a doctor but surprise, I never did and it slipped from my memory until now. I mean you guys have seen what I can do when I'm not in my own way, rare as that is. I think I can get better and better, I just need my brain to work with me and not against me.

I'm scared to do this e-appointment but I need answers. I can't keep working like this because if I do have it, then that means there's more than likely treatments, and that means I can maybe be a more efficient and functional human being which I think would actually be really nice.

I only bring this up because this affects my output here and I think it's fair for you guys to know what's going on in my life as far as this goes.


I might have ADD, going to get tested for it on the 17th since I apparently have a crap ton of signs suggesting I have it. If I do, going to get treated and maybe I'll be more productive. If not, well, idk than. I'll just be more sad, I guess.



Thank you for sharing such a personal matter. I realize, it can be hard to share something like this. But yeah, if it affects your work ethic and other important things it is worth checking it out so that like you said since there would be treatments, it'd be much more manageable and you'd get much more done! I wouldn't stress too much about it. One of the things I believe that you're stressing about is that you may have something like that and you may not want to believe it but if it really is the truth...it's the truth. But, when you do figure out why you have a hard time focusing on things, and it could be due to this, it'll make your life much easier. And ultimately you'll feel better about a lot of things. Hope it goes well man!


I also have ADD, and had suffered through it much of my childhood, I managed to conquer most of it, and I feel you can do the same, try not stressing over it and focus on getting the help you need so you can over come this life hurdle, please take care man.


Thank you both, very much. It really helped me, I'm sorry I shut down so hard. I'll try harder.