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Star Wars 1.mp4



Love your reaction to the movies so far. Can't wait for you to see the others.


Yes Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ben Kenobi are the same person. They explain it in Episode 4 when "Ben" tells Luke that he is Obi-Wan, but he hasn't gone by that name in a long time. Also, please keep going with Episodes 2 and 3 as soon as possible! They are even better than Episode I in my opinion


Glad to see a fresh reaction to this movie! Happy to see you liked it! As a SW fan I've heard so many discussions about it that is difficult not to have preconceived ideas. I hope you didn't get too annoyed with Jar Jar. hahaha. You got distracted when Obi-Wan (The same person that Ben Kenobi!) and Qui Gon said their names in the first scenes! But it was nice to see your reaction when Anakin was introduced.


Episode I gets way too much hate. It's probably my least favorite episode but it's still a damn good movie. It used to be the "cool" thing back in the day to hate on The Phantom Menace because of Jar-Jar but I mean come on, it also gave us characters like Qui-Gon Jin and Darth Maul. Plus the fight at the end is one of the best lightsaber battles in the entire franchise and maybe even the most important storyline wise as that battle decided the entire direction of the next five movies. The whole "Chosen One" angle was done very nicely. I also like how it had it's own vibe while still very much being a Star Wars movie (thanks to the familiarity of the opening crawl, the John Williams music, the sound effects, the Shakespearian acting etc). It set up the next two movies beautifully and assured that the prequel trilogy wasn't going to be a carbon copy of the original trilogy in terms of style.

Glenn Y

You should definitely watch Battlestar Galactica


This may help: Anakin is about 9, Padme (the queen) is around 14, Obi-wan is around 21, and Qui-gonn Jinn was around 65. This explains why Qui-gonn was resting in his battled with Darth Maul. Also, it is not a big age gap between Anakin nd Padme (5 years). The queen was elected from a large group of very advanced people, including teens, and was the youngest elected to the office on Naboo.

London Celt

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


That was great! It’s been so long since I’ve watched this movie. You nailed it with Qui-gon being a father figure. It was something Anakin desperately needed and something that Obi-wan could not provide. Qui-gon’s death was the beginning of the end in my opinion. Looking forward to your next reaction!


It's not a spoiler. You saw in episode 4 that Obi-Wan is the same as Ben. Remember when Luke met him for the first time in the movie? He said of course I know him, he's me.