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Kill Bill 2.mp4



Excellent reaction. This part was more dialog driven than the first, but the story was told so well. Please do more Quentin Tarantino movies, they're all very good.

Mitchell Scott

By the way, Kill Bill 3 is being made years later ;) to literally everyones surprise

Mitchell Scott

Yep! https://www.indiewire.com/2019/12/quentin-tarantino-kill-bill-vol-3-possibility-three-years-away-1202196130/


Kill bill is one of my Tarantino's Favorite movies. If you want to try another you could either try "Pulp Fiction" (A master piece) or "Unglorious Bastards".

Shawn Mayberry

Glad you liked the movie Magy! If you need suggestions for other Tarantino movies there's: Django Unchained (a western-style action movie centered around American slavery, excellent cast), Pulp Fiction (the movie people usually know him for), The Hateful Eight (sort of a mystery in some ways, hard to describe but has big cast of characters with great dialogue), Jackie Brown (a crime thriller that's a homage to those funky blaxploitation movies from the 70s like Foxy Brown), and Inglourious Basterds (WWII-era Nazi-killing action movie, a lot of it subtitled because they're speaking French, German and English). Hope that helps a little :)


This is one of my favorite reactions and I love this movie. I love that you have such honest reactions to the shocking events of the movie. Honestly, your appreciation for the art of the film-the look and feel of the scenery, the use of color and scale, even your observation of Black Mamba's will to live, and her ability to speak many different languages. I love it. You're so intelligent (a very appealing quality, btw.) May I suggest you react to "Forrest Gump" and "The Matrix" in one of your upcoming videos?