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Hi everyone!! Progress with our new voice actress has been going well and I thought it would be nice to introduce her and a version of HalloweEnGIRL with her voice in it.

You can check out Cinder Dryad on her twitter @CinderDryadVA 

Cinder and Kato have worked and completed more than 2/3rds of the audio for the entire HalloweEnGIRL animation. Here is the blowjob version of HalloweEnGIRL with Cinder's voice.
NOTE: this doesn't show the tentacles yet. Although I've finished a lot of the animation and script for the tentacle scenes, those additions are not ready for play. If you would like to watch animations and updates where you can see tentacles part 1 and 2 animations and Cinder's voice for part 1, feel free to check out the #Honey-Flow discord channel, or I can just tell you here in this post 😊

-Download HAlloweEnGIRLv1.2.swf-

HalloweEnGIRL v2 & Maki Oze work in progress

This is all in context for a first release:
In a nutshell I've pretty much completed every animation for Tentacles part 1, including facial reactions. I just need Kato to loop Cinder's voice clips and I'll put them in. I've already used her un-edited/unlooped voice clips to make the facial reactions. After that I need to just go over the whole thing and make sure all the buttons and everything works.

This is all in context for a first release: Tentacles part 2, is also almost complete, not counting the options like stomach bulge" and "oral sex tentacle". The extra options will have to be added in as updates after the first release. For now the first release will be sex and orgasm internal.

What's next for me?
Since I have tentacles part 2 main animations finished that means I can record animation loop samples and send them to Cinder for more vocals. (which is what I'll be doing now)
-Then I will go back to buttons, scripting, looking for bugs, etc.
-Then when Kato finishes the Tentacle part 1 audio looping edtis, I can tweek the facial reactions for Tentacle part 1, he can then work on looping what Cinder hands over for Tentacle part 2.
-During their work on Tentacle part 2 audio, I'll have to find time to give HalloweEnGIRL her clothes 😅 Then I go over the whole thing for bugs, etc.

Maki Oze
Maki Oze animations are almost complete for version 1 too! Our animator Newguy2 has shown real promise, we have completed animations of:
Cowgirl lean forward: insert, x1loop, x2loop,
Cowgirl lean back: x1loop, x2loop, x3start, x3loop
and are now finishing up the orgasm animations.
We just need to add in: cum animation, voice acting, background, music, final tweeks.

To play .swf files download a free Stand Alone Flash player.
click this link and choose "Download the Flash Player projector content debugger"
under PC or Mac or Linux, depending on the computer you use.

Thank you so much for your involvement, patience and support. I'm doing my best to get these games out for you, HalloweEnGIRL has certainly proven to be larger a task than I originally expected, however I'm very happy with the progress and results so far. I really enjoy the work I do and the team and I are very thankful for you all. I feel the effects of covid have been a real learning experience.

After HalloweEnGIRL has all it's options added, I'd very much like to make games/animations that have both good quality art and animation but also with a quicker turnover, something light and fun, quicker to release and that can be added to later.
Anyhow, on that note I have to get back to work, all the best to you and thank you again.

-CB ❤️



Now I can't wait to get home from work. I've been waiting for this 😁


I'm super glad you're excited but I just want to make sure to reiterate that the tentacles haven't been released yet, this is a re-release of the first one but with the new voice actress. Technically the tentacles are in game but aren't playable yet because we still need more voice recording and facial reaction animation to add in.


That's so cool that you got a voice actor for this, another great news post by the CB team! ;D


Thank you too!, (and all the patreon supporters) with the support from everyone, I can afford professional voice actresses to get involved in our works now ❤️