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Welcome to September! 🍁

As we say goodbye to the heat of summer and welcome the crisp autumn breeze, Kris is our pinup girl of the month! I figured it was appropriate since she's taken the lead in Homecoming. 😊

This month's schedule is a bit different, as I'll be away from my main computer for the first week of September. But don't worry – I've got plenty of exciting stuff lined up.

Speaking of "worth the wait" – I'm sooo thrilled to announce a collaboration with the incredible Alyson Greaves, the author of The Sisters of Dorley series and my dear friend. We're working on a fun project together that she's writing and I'm creating the visuals for. It will be Chapter 1 of an ongoing story. I can't wait to show you all what we're up to! 🎉

Also, remember Ava, our stunning lady from Phase 8 and Jill's biggest fan? She's getting her own story, just like Brooke did. Once again, you'll get to vote on her origins! 💖

As always, thank you so much for your support! ❤️️




Kris is so hot with long hair , great work as usual em . Maybe you can make a tránsition story with Connor/ Connie in her srs operation and giving information of that Prince or something

stacy C

Crisp autumn breeze?.....it's currently 28 degrees in the UK haha x


Thanks, Digi! 😊 Yeah, her long black hair is gorgeous. 💁🏻‍♀️Part of me is looking forward to a new flashback just so we get to see it again. And I think that story idea for Connor/Connie is a good one! Jill's choice of Ryan instead of his brother-in-law will definitely have consequences.