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Forgot to mention that I love the little thing you have going on with the Patreon names in one of your renders on the clipboard. Always appreciate the level of detail in your work, keep it up


I'm very happy you like it :> It's at least something I can do to reward for the support you giving me.


*scroll down the patreon page* *your post appear* *scroll down* . . *scroll back with shock*


just telling u it's good to see ur post.


Hehe, yeah... I do everything so slow it's actually a miracle to see my posts :0


nice work, I really like her. Hope there are more related works.


Hello, I just subscribed today, and for this message I'm unable to view this folder, probably due to the OS I'm running (Windows 7 64-bit) and the browser I'm using (Slimjet), but I find your work rather interesting. I first saw the "Wry Alchemy" video on Rule34, then, in a search for a site displaying your work to see if there was more I came across your twitter which had your "Nonsense Talker" video with the sad music and interesting character (after some reading here I found out her name was Haendeciss or Haen, assuming that hasn't changed between now and the respective entry) with her weird speech (don't get me wrong it was beautiful and interesting), but I have some questions: 1) have you considered voice over talent or sound design for either animation? Their is clearly a story to it and it can be seen even with the lack of sound; it would be interesting if you had some sound and voice talent to flesh it out. Studio Fow has a number of good voice actresses that could fill that role like Bordeaux Black, SilkyMilk, and others they have a game called Subverse that showcases their talents. If I had the skills in sound design or Voice acting I would offer my services, but I lack the needed resources (I could probably take a crack at voice acting but I can't make any promises as to the quality as I have no experience or training in such a field, plus I'm a 34 year-old dude, with no voice-over experience so what I could play the voice of, is limited). 2) What is Haen? I get she's an OC of yours, but is she from an established world/universe/realm/franchise, or is she in a world you're making or is she from a book you're writing or have written. If the Nonsense Talker video was any indication of her story, she's some kind of cursed being either human that went through a transformation into what she is now or some being grown in a lab somewhere, or some otherworldly/extra-dimensional being that might have some sort of identity crisis. Is the story written or displayed somewhere or is it still a work in progress that you haven't hammered out all the details of?


I constantly find myself coming back to check out your stuff again, regardless of whether there is something new or not cause' it's just so damn good, Haen has to be one of the most exotic and sexy looking characters out there, definetly different enough to stand out from the generic "monster girl"(stick cat ears into a girl and call it a day), yet not so strange as to go too deep into the "teratophilia" territory...even tho I like theratophilia myself haha, anyways, can't wait to see what you'll do with her (even tho I know I'll have to ;P), keep it up and take your time! ^ ^