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If it looks different, that's because I drew it on my phone :)




🎶"Take it off! Take it off!" Yell the boys in the front...🎶 🎶"Down in front! Down in front!" Cry the boys in the back...🎶


It looks good for me 🧐🍸


But wheres the fly?


For the love of all that is holy, please never add Zipper or any reference to that abomination of a movie. Please


Even if people can sometimes be... Weird, that doesn't mean that we have to take options away from people. We have to appreciate how the movie has revitalised interest in Gadget (and in the context of the sexual side of the furry fandom, in her feminine features). Let them jerk off to whatever they like and give options to people so that they could blacklist and ignore things they don't like because at the end of the day, consuming yiff does not harm anyone. I, too, would personally ignore that edit, but if Oughta wants to do it and the other patrons want it, then I wouldn't vehemently protest against it. TL;DR: Although I don't like that idea, if the others and/or the artist wants it, then let them have their thing, even if it's weird.


Okay, I stand confused. Did something happen with Gadget and Zipper in the movie? I haven't seen the movie yet and only plan to when it's out of theaters. That said, I don't care if you tell me things about new movies I haven't seen yet. Sometimes, that's the difference between me wasting money on a movie I end up not liking or saving a few bucks...

Helen Dingo

(to OnlineDeviant) In the movie, Gadget and Zipper the Fly get married and start a family together after the Rescue Rangers show is canceled.


I would happily leave them alone... if this was simply another fanfiction or shipping. The creators knew very well that much of the fandom loved Gadget and paired her with (mostly) Chip, yet they decide to put on this crack ship just to say "Let me show you how we can ruin your beloved shipping". How do i know that? Notice how in none of the Trailer Gadget is ever shown in any significant relevance, which is weird considering that she would've been a big publicity piece. So why is that? Because they knew that they were purposefully doing something that the fans would've hated, so they omitted her completely.


@ Helen: Ah, I see. The pairing of the two isn't that bad to me only as far as a sort of dating thing. Gadget was cute in the show and, to some extent, Zipper was too. As for the two of them starting a family... ... ... 🙀*pictures mouse/fly hybrid monsters*😿 Nope. No, absolutely not! Gadget x Chip OTP!


yeah, im not super upset but it felt a bit like a spit in the face tbh