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If you're reading this, thanks so much for supporting my project!  To claim your access key, visit this link :


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As for the update schedule, since I'm doing all the work I have to split it up in an unusual way.  Normally for VNs you get a monthly story update, but since I'm doing everything some months will just consist of me doing art - so please bear with me.

In general I have split the story into 3 acts.  Each Act has Backgrounds, Character Sprites, and CG's. Thankfully I already have music covered, so I don't have to worry about that anymore. 

So each month I will update with my accomplishments and goals for the month.  I already know in November I'm going to go hard  on backgrounds because they are the most time consuming and challenging for me.  Act 1 has 16 backgrounds (not including the backgrounds in the demo) so if I could accomplish those I'd be real happy!  I also have the rest of this month so I see this as an attainable goal for Oct/Nov.

Again thanks for supporting this VN!  I've been wanting to tell the story of Edgar for 3 years now and finally found a good medium to do so.  I really hope you enjoy his story.



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