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From the abyss to the liminal space hallway. Somehow I know capitalism is behind this.

We both finally got over our sinus infection! Leslie's went away first, but then mine ended up sticking around for most of the weekend. I'm a weirdly healthy guy who rarely ever gets sick, but damn, my sinuses really fucked me up. At least the extra couch loafing time allowed me to grind the hell out of Like a Dragon 8. All better now, though! Just in time to hit the treadmill again for the HEALTH GRIND. STAT GAINZ, BRAH

See you on Friday!



Opus the Poet

Speaking as a formerly dead person, if we are walking and talking and complaining about things hurting and costing money then we are not a ghost in spite of having been dead...

Kam Kam

If he was a ghost I still wouldn’t question it