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I'm honestly surprised our power stayed on long enough to get this page out because holy shit, it was hailing FURIOUSLY over here. 1 inch ice balls falling from the sky in fucking 68 degrees February! And so much of it, too, for so long! It scared the living shit out of us! We've got a tin roof over our porch, so it sounded apocalyptic. We thought our house was under fucking attack or falling apart. The cats were terrified. We were terrified. But we made it out unscathed and with a cute page for you all. Enjoy!

See you on Friday!



Kam Kam

Rain or shine, you guys slayed this page😆


I had a dream last night that you guys had another comic that had been running for about 2 years. Before reading the comic it quizzed you on your likes/dislikes (including NSFW ones) and modified the pages accordingly. Not really practical in real life, but I thought you might find it interesting!