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Page was a liiiittle bit late tonight thanks to a certain lil' one-eyed kitten who wouldn't stop cuddling up with Leslie and preventing any drawing from happening. Nico has been adjusting really quickly over here, though. He loves all the cat toys we have scattered around the house, and him and Bart have quickly bonded. We had some issues getting them to eat from the right food bowls (Bart needs cat food, Nico needs kitten food. Bart recognizes the dispenser going off, Nico doesn't. Bart wants to eat both foods, Nico wants to watch Bart eat both foods) but they seem to have finally figured it out. And not only are they playing together, but they're even grooming each other now! You would be late drawing a page too if you were constantly distracted by KITTEN CUTENESS.

Hope you liked the rewards this month! Thanks as always for the incredible support. See you on Monday!



Moth Drakehart

I have a feeling he is *dramatically* understating this club


I love that Nico has integrated so cleanly into your family. Pets are a treasure even if they have this nasty habit of dying 😜 I’m loving this whole scene with The King and I’m glad the Rock Cocks are getting their concert