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This weekend, Leslie and I finally completed our journey through the Remedyverse and beat Alan Wake II. Holy shit, what an experience. I've never experienced anything like it, and maybe never will again unless Remedy somehow manages to pull it off again. So many mediums all pulled into one cohesive narrative. An entire vocal album, a movie within the game, several pages of manuscripts, and even a fucking rock opera. And yet, it's all pulled together into a video game. It's something that can ONLY be achievable in a video game, the only thing that can wrangle all of these things into one. And it works. Everything works about it so well. I love the game's narrative so, so much. The entire thing was a delight. I don't know how much I can recommend it considering how much it builds off of so much previous work across Remedy's library, but damn. What a journey.

Waaay too many enemies for it's RE-style gameplay, though. That's my one fault. Eventually had to knock it down to easy mode, not because it was too difficult, but god damn, sometimes I don't want to go through a whole gauntlet of shadows just to get to the next story bit.

See you on Friday!



Kam Kam

Haven’t played either Alan Wake game, but I have heard mixed things about the sequel. One thing’s for sure, the imagination is still there😉


Juke Box Heroes, they've got stars in their eyes.