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It's time for a Singles comic! Click here to see all the previous comics! 

So you'll be surprised to learn that Leslie's gotten really hard into gacha games lately. Mostly Genshin Impact and Arknights. They're chill little games to play on the phone, and have a lot of multilanguage support that helps Leslie in their various language studies. I'm not big into gachas myself. I've tried them before and I DO love me some stat grinding, but I always bail when the dripfeed of free content dries up. Leslie also has told me to mention to you all that she loves Yaoyao and is trying to get Qiqi. I do not know what these things are, but please accept this information as a gift from us to you, along with this comic.

$10 Patrons, look out for another post coming up in a moment! And if you all in the $5 tier want to see some SUPER sexy pin ups (plus all the previous pin ups), just up your pledge any time here in March to get those pin ups! Offer's good throughout the month, so no rush.

See you soon with more Rock Cocks!



Kam Kam

As a trading card game player, I can slightly relate. It’s called “cardboard crack” for a reason😂

Justin Wood

As a player of Genshin since launch, I appreciate Leslie's enjoyment of the bunny rabbit healer and the forgetful zombie. Do they have any thoughts on the child arsonist, if I may ask?


Her inner accountant is going to flip when she sees how much money she's blown on those games

Oli Platt

That's how they getcha!! (....gacha??? Got-cha?? I'll see myself out) I used to play genshin more regularly, but i play it on my phone and now the files and data for the actual app have gotten to the point where the game buffers so much that it's virtually unplayable for me. One of these days I'll get a console that supports it, or finally get it working on my Chromebook. But for now, i have enough Pokemon games to hold me over until then!

Oli Platt

Oh man, they're in for a treat! I love Klee. Some other good ones for their consideration: Funeral Director but also a Teenager, Hu Tao, and Big Himbo Demon Hooligan, Arataki Itto.

Sedric And Charlie

This reminds me of when I used to be heavy into idle/clicker games. I spent entirely too much time and more money than I want to admit to in stewarding automated processes to make more numbers increase faster


Just reading this has me wanting to reinstall Cookie Clicker and I can't fall down that whole AGAIN


Hehehe that's how they get us nerds, every time 😂