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Whew! Lot of text on this page! We try to avoid pages like this, but we couldn't really think of a one to get around this one. Lot of important stuff for these characters to say, and give everyone a bit of a recap on what led to all these naked shenanigans and Lizzy joining the group in the first place. Gotta remember where we've been so we can know where we're going! Or something? I'm sure that's a saying somewhere.

See you on Monday!



Andrea Andrew

Elizabeth blush is so adorable.

Selconar Walker

isn't this page 973? why it say 980?


The occasional text wall in these types of situations is actually pretty brilliant. Feels like if you have too many panels, the emotion kinda loses its meaning, if that makes sense


Even with a bunch of text (which I don't mind), the tone and cantor was perfectly paced for all parties 👌 well done! FUCK EM UP SURIA!!! (I do enjoy Georgie's face tho, great touch)


Textwalls are often a necessary evil. In this case, i'm *real* interested in whatever the hell Seth's been up to 🤔

Justin Wood

Feels like quite a long time since that scene.


Sometimes you just gotta do the info dump.


I would say Lizze has gained the most out of this situation. She gained a Dakota

Richard J. Pugh

Suria is about as subtle as a kick in the chestnuts. She's justified, though. Seth has a lot of explaining to do.