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We thought this might be a fun way to showcase the meeting by having both sides of panels sort of conveying the phone screens, so it feels like both sets of characters are more organically talking to each other! Next page will have more of an establishing shot for both of them, but I think it's a neat method to kick off on. Utilizing the medium of COMICS! Suria is right though, Seth does have some shit to answer for. How will this go~?

Had some minor food poisoning this weekend, which knocked me the fuck out for a day and a half. Aches, shivers, and lots of unpleasant retaliatory bodily functions. All better now, but the uh, dehydration made the single bottle of booze I tend to drink hit like a train. I've never been this messed up on a single beer before, and it's the same one I always drink! I was straight up stumbling like I downed a whole barrel of the stuff. The human body is a weird, weird thing.

See you on Friday!




Glad you're feeling better. Would be naive of Sterling to think this wasn't inevitable anyway that Elizabeth would explore. Suria is on the warpath though


Good cover! Now just keep it natural, Lizzy baby ♡ you're not in trouble nor should be, you're the goodest girl ♡

Michael Butchin

UGH. Food poisoning sucks. Had a bout of it years ago when I lived in Taiwan. I'm glad you're recovering-- take it easy for a while! And Suria? Hoo, boy. You might want to let Seth give his news first, and , um...may don't be so shouty at the person subsidizing your life at the moment? STRATEGY, Suria. STRATEGY!


I'm glad you're feeling better! And now your beer can stretch even farther 😝! I love the comic paneling format! It works great. Stoked to see how Suris tears into Seth 😂


Love how Sterling is like yeah whatever 😂