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Yeah, we had to make this little scene a two-pager just so we could give Steg some breathing room for this page. It really warms me and Leslie's hearts how much people love Steg and want to see this hunky dude naked. Because we love drawing him naked and writing scenes where he gets naked! I remember in the early days, people were really mean about his design, but obviously, those people didn't stick around. You all did, though! And thank you so much! We want to give you as much naked Steg as we possibly can! And the other characters too, of course~

See you on Monday!




Those who don't like Steg's design CLEARLY have no idea what true sexiness is. And I'll make it clear that Steg is ALL sexy, as in sexy personality AND looks.


So graceful!




If I could make a request for pin ups next month it'd be naked steg comforting/cuddling Elizabeth or any of the crew. Need more of that non sexual nakedness in media.


My body type is very similar to Steg's and I really can't even begin to tell y'all how much this representation has completely changed my self-view and improved my self worth!


I can't believe anyone would dislike Steg's design?? He has the peak form!!

Nellie B

Such grace


How can you not love a THICC boy with a THICC boy?


I love steg. He makes me feel so good about myself. Even as a nb person i relate to him and how he looks in every way


Such grace and poise. 10/10

Jude Deluca

There are people who DON'T like Steg's design? These people obviously don't love themselves. I mean in fairness I'm an autochorissexual and my kink happens to be fictional heavyset guys, so Steg's the whole reason I began reading Rock Cocks because of how hard it is to find a story where one of the leads is an attractive, heavyset guy with a decent personality.


Insert "Free Willy" joke here


🎶He'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease, The naked young man who told haters “Lick deez”.🎶


Which is incredibly ironic given that stegs design was fairly thinner in the original early stages of the project


We love steg!! And his phat peen!


Steg brought me in initially! (Then the rest of the cast kept me in :3)


Poetry in motion!


Suddenly "Free Willy" got a whole new majestic meaning.


I need more sex in the comic!! Especially with Lizzy!


definitely love steg, he reminds me of my boyfriend 🥰🥺