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Good news! My tongue is mostly healed up! I do still need to get the exploded tooth removed (and the dentists around here have been a real bastard trying to arrange an appointment with), but at least my mouth isn’t hurting nearly as much right now. Now, if only it would STOP RAINING. Seriously, it’s been raining nonstop here for like a week straight. Our flood has been underwater for days. Our dog barely gets to go on any walks! I haven’t seen the sun since June! PLEASE, just stop raining for a day!

We ended up getting a real good pin up idea from this page though. I think you’ll enjoy them~

See you on Friday!




Cannon ball!


They're having so much fun! It's so pure!


I believe you mean “assed” for it.


Famous last words before he trips and falls head first in xD

Ben Burch

Hope they don't need to MedEvac Steg!


Question: Didn't they take their cloths with them? Stegs Pants? Lizzis Skirt?