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Oho yeah, we’re back in business! This new tablet is AMAZING. Between the last Suria picture and this page, Leslie’s drawn like, 5 other full illustrations. It’s the first time I’ve seen them just marathon draw for fun in a LONG time. Leslie’s having so much fun with it! It’s really great to see.

We want to make something REALLY special for the rewards this month, and we were thinking of doing another really BIG pin up, one incorporating a whole bunch of characters in a fun setting. We’ve done a beach and pool one before, but we’re not quite sure what big fun group activity the gang should be doing. If you have any suggestions, let us know!

See you on Monday!




They're in a park, right? Naked fishing is my suggestion


Hm maybe a camping theme pinup, it would sort of fit with the location they're in!


Poor Suria might be trapped in her undies for the rest of their game.


Goes with the previous ones, but what about a hot spring? If not that maybe a sauna?


I'm living for the faces in the 3rd planet


What about the gang watching fireworks au naturel? You could have fun with the colors and the lighting, and it would have a summery theme. You could even pair the couples together and give the scene a hint of romance.

Dracon Atrox

I would love to see the gang cool down with a big water fight! Water balloons, water guns, slashing in a river, wet t-shirts...

Justin Wood

I'm so happy to hear Leslie is enjoying the new tablet so much! To go for something a little more out there, what about the gang in more fantasy esque outfits! For lack of a better example: everyone in what you might imagine them wearing in FFXIV. (Obviously not actually FFXIV outfits since that's asking for trouble, but you get my drift)


Hmm, maybe the gang washing the van- tons of potential for that lol


Camping, dnd, LARP, pole dancing lessons, swordplay, lingerie modeling, tattooed versions of everyone.


Onsen/hot springs, fireworks viewing, campfire + s'mores, big sleepy nude cuddlepile...


1. The comic looks great. Congrats on the new tablet. 2. I’m the one who’s laughing. Do I need to take something off? 3. I would love to see everyone around a big picnic table, eating, drinking, laughing, singing, smooching, telling tall tales and bad jokes. Just having a great time together.


When are we getting new tracks/episodes?


An amusement park/carnival setting would be dope


Hah, poor Suria!

Third Eye

Seeing as how July is coming up, anything revolving around fireworks is a sound idea. Maybe watching them from the roof of the Cockpit?


Just wanted to toss in an idea for a theme... pride-themed rave/disco party


Gender-bent full cast!


I feel like drawing a trans dude as a woman would be a bit icky.