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After a bit of a frustrating process (including Wacom themselves waiting three days and accidentally canceling our order), WE GOT THE CINTIQ! It's all set up and works perfectly, no issues whatsoever! This thing is AMAZING! The company's customer service may suck, but boy, this tablet is a beauty! The screen is big and bright, but apparently has this really cool, almost paper-like texture to the screen that gives it a very nice tactile feel for drawing. The stylus is a dream to use, doesn't use any batteries whatsoever (Leslie's old stylus ate through those things quick), and accounts for basically any degree of pen pressure. Leslie's having a blast drawing on this thing!

It's all thanks to you that we were able to get this so quickly! To thank you, we wanted the very first thing Leslie drew on this tablet to be something for you all. So here's this really cute topless Suria! Can you believe this was all digital?! It looks like it was drawn with water color right on paper! Seriously, look at her nipples! For purely artistic reasons, of course! This is going to make this comic even more fun to work on! We'll be posting a cropped version on twitter, but this booby version is our thanks to you, available for all tiers! Thank you all so, so much!

The Rock Cocks will be back on Friday! See you soon!




Suria stacked. Hooray for boobies... and the new tablet. The piece looks great and sounds like the tablet is really good. I look forward to seeing the effects on pa- on screen


damn that is the single best piece of art you ever posted in my opinion ... although i suppose that makes sense you are constantly improving so ofc your most recent piece that you clearly put a ton of effort into would be the best


Glad to have you back in the world of the tableted. Damn fine pic also.


Damn, after reading through this post, I'm even more impressed with the Cintiq! I want one myself, but they're not budget friendly. Can't wait until we get the next page!

Ben French

Congrats on the new tablet


Suria is so cute x3 I know it has nothing to do with "The Rock Cocks", but I would like to ask just one question: some time ago I downloaded the demo of the "Noods" game. Did you continue it?


We're still working on it! Unfortunately, the NOODS team is very small and covid has had everyone dealing with a lot of both professional and personal problems. It's slowed things down a lot, but we're slowly getting back into the groove. Hoping to have more to show soon!

Mobius Scarf

Woo! Back on tour!

Ben Burch

Awesome work.


Love this! Glad you got a new toy and it's working perfectly.


Is it bad that I’m not upset your old tablet broke?


I’m guessing the look of Rock Cocks is going to change, but in a good way.


Is there any chance we could get the PSD file for this art? It looks amazing! Totally cool if not possible, just really want it in all it’s glory is all.


Holy moly look at those bazongas