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Ugh, stressful day. Our dog has been weird and anxious, we had to babysit a hyperactive teenager, I'm exhausted. Still managed to get this page done, though! And in 8 days, we go and get our second vaccination shot! We have next month's Patreon rewards already mostly done, so we won't miss a beat even if the side-effects from the second shot completely knock us out! Hell yeah! You're gonna love next month's pin ups, they are SO fuckin' pretty, holy shit.

See you on Monday!




I’m getting my fill of Suria’s tits today, and I am loving it.

Sable Szczeklik-Silvius

The mom friend trying to rein everyone in: “that is a crime! Why are you always committing crimes?!”


I love that Elizabeth is covering herself even in the presence of a almost fully nude suria


Is it a crime to steal from a closed and abandoned gift store? I'd say that's free real estate

Ben Burch

If you leave money on the counter, you haven't stolen anything according to legal precedent. Entering is a problem, but you just need to say the door was open already when you got there.

Shane Wegner

"This watch says It's Crime Time™" "YOU STOLE A NOVELTY WRISTWATCH?!"