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I have been KILLING it with my workouts later. The other day, I went 1 hour and 25 minutes on the treadmill at the highest incline going 2 miles an hour. Not very fast, but it was a SUPER long, steep-ass climb. I ended up burning 1,000 calories. Sure feels like it, too! My bones are just straight up gone now, crushed into powder. Over the past 4 days of exercise, I’ve burned 3,160 calories. I remember when I could barely burn 1000 in a week! I’m slowly getting there. One day, I’ll become FIT.

God, Leslie is KILLING it with this scene, look at how good this looks! I’m so proud of them! Rock Cocks is just such a good-looking comic, no wonder you all read it.

See you on Friday!




XD didnt take long for her to laugh all her cloths away


Well, she does live loudly and proudly. She's always talking, singing, laughing, or letting out the lewd noises. So, checks out, I reckon.


My favorite part of her personality, that innocent spark she leaves in those around her, beautifully written character.


The comic always looks amazing but I LOVE how the scenery looks. I wish i could be there it seems so great

Daniel S

Ah yes, the infamous Bare-Titted Rocker. A cryptid found across the greater United States.