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DRAMA ALERT. Short blog post tonight because we've been babysitting a hyperactive kid all weekend, it's late, we're tired and drunk. Currently typing this blog post from my phone while comforting our tiny dog.

See you on Wednesday! GOOD NIGHT 




What happened:O

Andrea Andrew

Okay, I understand Suria being angry at Seth, but Elizabeth?! She didn’t even apologize for making her uncomfortable with their intimacy. Was Elizabeth aware of Seth’s plan to upstage the Rocket Rollers? I hope Suria and Elizabeth can patch things up.

Michael Butchin

Well, as far as Suria and Steg know, Elizabeth is Seth's girl Friday. I think a real heart-to-heart is going to have to happen soon.


my thoughts exactly, even *if* elizabeth was aware, what was she supposed to do??


i dont understand why suria is mad at elizabeth?? she didnt do anything wrong. she didnt plan the concert, she didnt usurp rocket roller, she didnt start a fight and she didnt ((really)) get to choose to live with them. i wouldnt be surprised if she knew the plan, but what was she supposed to do?? go against seth?? seths the one who was, as suria said, a piece of shit. not elizabeth. give her a chance. besides, y'all gonna live together, you gotta clear the air. ain't a lotta room in a bus