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Hey guys, no update tonight I'm afraid. Our water heater has been spitting out orange water. It's taken us the entire weekend to work on it. We had to take it out, clean it, flush it with clean water, pick it up (really fucking heavy, mind you), jostle it around, repeat like 7 times, reconnect it...and after all that, still orange water. So now we've filled the entire 50 gallon tank with vinnegar in hopes that whatever is dirtying up our water will break down with that. Takes 24 straight hours to see results. Real bad time to have a water heater break down. Can't exactly get a plumber out here right now. Gotta do it ourselves if we want clean water.

So that's where our whole weekend went. Right now, we're just sitting on the couch and trying not to stress. This shit sucks, man. It's hard to stay optimistic. And I feel even worse that we had to skip up an update, because you all deserve it. Everyone, literally the entire world is having a hard time right now, and we want to help. We'll be back on Wednesday with a new update, I promise. Thank you all so much for being patient. Just hang in there. Try to find a moment or two to relax and take your mind off things. Satan knows that helped us tonight.

Thanks again. See you on Wednesday!


John lee lewis

Orange water is often an indication of rust in the system. Did you see any rust spots in the heater?


Nah, it shouldn't be rust since the trailer is pretty new. I gotta assume the heater is new, too. When we initially ran water through the house the first time, our well water was also orange and dirty. We've installed filters, but it's possible some dirt is still trapped in the heater and needs to break down.

John lee lewis

Do you have a lot of red clay where you live? If so, a few britta filters or similar products would be a good investment. Red clay can leach into just about anything


Yeah, we've got some black carbon charcoal filters installed. Two of them right on our well. Not only do we have clay, but our house is also practically wetlands. It's drying up now, but for 3 months it was nothing but mud.


The world is #ALot right now and I'm sorry this made it more difficult for you guys. Do what you need to do to make sure you're all set and healthy. Comics can wait until then. Plus, look at it this way; You both made it through hellish times just getting the house and properly installed in the first place. You made it through that and you'll make it through this. Be as positive as can be and keep moving forward. That's all we can ask of you. <3

Dominique Gabriel

hey guy's you only have orange water coming from the heater or some others points ? it could be a broken pipe that brings you soiled water in ? Otherwise one of your filter is perhaps broken or needs to be fixed. Anyway, jailed in my house in France, i totally support you.

John lee lewis

Oh good point Dominique! That happened to my Aunt just earlier this month. For most of February we’ve had biblical amounts of rain and we were 20 cm(8 in) away from our shop getting flooded twice. I know its not easy but this too will pass. You guys got this!

A Guy

Ooof, you guys take care, and do what you gotta do. Looking forward to whatever debauchery comes next in the comic, though!


Don't worry about the update if you have to fight with your water heater! That's way more important! Good luck with the vinegar! C:

Ben Burch

Icky water from a brand new water heater? No fun


You've got iron in your well. I bought a huge softener and it mostly cleared up.