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CAN YOU BELIEVE WE UPLOADED OUR 666th PAGE ON HALLOWEEN?! WHAT KIND OF LUCK IS THAT?! Click Track 13 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Whew! So, we've officially moved out of our apartment! We're staying at Leslie's family's house until our trailer is ready, which should actually be surprisingly soon! We have a meeting to go sign our closing title and warranties next Tuesday on Nov. 5th, and as soon as that's done, our trailer can get delivered! Permitting the weather allows it, of course. We're actually totally wiped. So much driving, moving furniture, assembling furniture...and today, our car actually got completely stuck in some mud. That part was especially a nightmare, our arms are destroyed from trying to push it out. Ruined my only pair of shoes. Somehow it actually got REALLY cold here in Louisiana, so we were knee-deep in freezing-cold mud water. But it's good now, we got it out undamaged and cleaned it off! We even still got this page done! But you better believe we're going to pass the fuck out and stay the entire day in bed tomorrow. God, we better not catch a cold.

Expect to get some rewards tomorrow (with a sneak peek tonight)! See you on Monday! Have a happy Halloween!




*Peter griffen voice* "AH HE SAID IT, HE SAID IT!"


I’m not crying you’re crying shut up!

A Guy

Congrats on the house stuff! But, uh ... you only have the one pair of shoes? I mean, if it's that bad I'm sure we could all get together and mail you a pair or something, so you're slightly less of a hobo? Anyway, Happy Halloween! Keep up the good work!


It's almost always hot in Louisiana, so I mostly just wear a pair of sandals (also because I'm a hobo). Today was the first day it was actually cold so I busted out my shoes...and promptly destroyed them. I swear I'll go buy another pair tomorrow!

Justin Wood



God damn I could use a Steg in my life right about now. Lol