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New page! NSFW! Click Track 13 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Wow, so, this is actually the last page we'll be doing in our New Orleans apartment. Tomorrow, we pack everything up and leave. Trailer still isn't ready yet (and we don't even have a date for it, haha that's cool not panicking), so the plan is to just stay at Leslie's family's house until we can move into our house. Unfortunately, our Monday and Friday posting schedule will have to remain in effect. It's going to be a lot harder to do porno pages in Leslie's family's house for, well, obvious reasons. We're still not quite sure how we're going to be able to set up our computers, so we'll just have to figure it out. We'll let you know if Friday's page will be delayed!

But yeah, this is the last page made in our apartment. Even if our time here was only a short two years and ended up kind of miserable, I'm really glad we moved out here. When you're a couple of weirdo nerds living in a backwater village in the woods, you always dream about living it up in a city. But in the end, city-life just gave us anxiety and stress. We'll just stick to making comics about people living in cities, all from the comfort of our little home in the middle of the woods...y'know, when it's actually ready.

Welp, gonna go watch American Psycho in our empty, spooky apartment! Expect to see some reward teasers soon!




Aww Suria has a cute little smile here. That makes me happy